
The Strange Being That Is Zedaph
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Hermitcraft SMP
impulseSV & Kris | ZedaphPlays & TangoTek
Kris | ZedaphPlays, TangoTek (Video Blogging RPF), impulseSV (Video Blogging RPF), Xisumavoid (Video Blogging RPF), Ryan | GoodTimesWithScar, John Booko | BdoubleO100
Additional Tags:
Zedaph centric, Xisuma Needs a Break, Inhuman Zedaph, Blaze Hybrid TangoTek (Video Blogging RPF)
Published: 2022-06-25 Words: 1,477 Chapters: 1/1

The Strange Being That Is Zedaph


Zedaph is a strange person, everyone knows that. When his Zedvancements become actual achievements all by themselves, Xisuma begins to question how far Zedaphs strangeness goes. It would be alot easier if people would stop trying to get them.


I have no idea how this happened but I'm proud of it

The Strange Being That Is Zedaph

Zedaph has made the advancement [Stuck It With A Bucket]

<ImpulseSV> How did that happen???

<Zedaph> I fell from world height to bedrock and survived with a bucket?

<Zedaph> You saw me do it

<Tango> I don't know why you asked Xisuma to add them as real achievements when you have those trophies

<Xisuma> He didn't get me to do anything

<Xisuma> I have no idea how those achievements got into the game

<ImpulseSV> Well now Tango's trying

<ImpulseSV> Zed won't be the only one wanting the Zedvancements now

<Tango> This makes no sense

<Tango> I've done it but it's not giving me the achievement

<Xisuma> Maybe someone else try?

<Zedaph> Excuse me

<Zedaph> These are the Zedvancements

<Zedaph> Not the Tangovancements or Impulsevancements

<ImpulseSV> Didn't work for me either

<Zedaph> They're my achievements

<Zedaph> Stop trying to get them

<Xisuma> Weird

<Xisuma> They aren't in the code

<Zedaph> Good

<Zedaph> Don't want anyone else getting them

<Xisuma> Isn't this concerning you?

<Xisuma> That you're denying the code itself?

<Zedaph> Who needs to worry when you get a trophy


<GoodTimeWithScar> Does anyone know where Zed is taking me?

<GoodTimeWithScar> Or why I'm the only one who can help?

<Zedaph> I told you it's because of your name

<GoodTimeWithScar> I know its an amazing name but what does it have to do with all of this?

<Zedaph> It's the longest a name can be on our comms

<Xisuma> Is this about the Zedvancements again?

<Zedaph> Yep :)

<GoodTimeWithScar> Ooooh, I've been seeing those

<GoodTimeWithScar> How do you get them

<Tango> Be Zedaph apparently

<Tango> We can't get them

<GoodTimeWithScar> :(

<Zedaph> No worries

<Zedaph> You can still have a trophy for helping me

<GoodTimeWithScar> :)

<Xisuma> We still need to figure out why they aren't in the code

<Xisuma> Or why the rest of us can't get them

GoodTimeWithScar went off with a bang due to a firework fired from [a rocketbow zed made for the longest death message] by a poor piglin who was going about their normal day

GoodTimeWithScar has made the advancement [The Longest Death Message EVER]

Zedaph went off with a bang due to a firework fired from [a rocketbow zed made for the longest death message] by a poor piglin who was going about their normal day

Zedaph has made the advancement [The Longest Death Message EVER]

<Xisuma> Except Scar can also get them???

<Tango> This is so not fair

<GoodTimeWithScar> This is great

<Zedaph> Thank you for your help Scar!

<GoodTimeWithScar> Anytime!

<GoodTimeWithScar> I'll gladly accept more trophies and Zedvancements

<Zedaph> I'll be over with your trophy right away!

<Xisuma> Even more questions to be answered

<Zedaph> I guess they work even if it's just helping me with the Zedvancement

<Tango> So why didn't me and Impulse get one

<Zedaph> There wasn't much helping going on

<Zedaph> Scar was directly involved

<ImpulseSV> We'll get them one day

<Xisuma> There are more pressing matters going on right now

<Tango> Who cares about Zed breaking code

<Tango> I want the broken code as well


Zedaph has made the advancement [The Mob-Stack-All]

BdoubleO100 has made the advancement [The Mob-Stack-All]

<Xisuma> Please stop

<Xisuma> I need to fix this

<BdoubleO100> I dunno

<BdoubleO100> I like having stuff others can't have

<ImpulseSV> Zedaph has accidently created the talk of the season hasn't he?

<Tango> He has

<Tango> I swear he's asking other people to help him just to spite us

<Zedaph> I promise you I am not

<Tango> Then ask us to help

<ImpulseSV> Or give us the achievement for us helping you first

<Zedaph> I don't control them

<Zedaph> I wasn't even expecting them to show up in the chat the first time

<Xisuma> I'm pretty sure you do control them

<Xisuma> They only relate to you after all

<BdoubleO100> Why don't you check his code then

<Xisuma> I have been

<Xisuma> I still can't find it

<Xisuma> But it has to be here somewhere

<ImpulseSV> Come on, for someone as good at code as you it's gotta be easier than deciphering Zed for the answers

<BdoubleO100> I'm pretty sure you could put someone who has never seen code in their life in front of code and they could figure it out sooner than they could figure out Zed

<Tango> True

<Zedaph> I feel insulted

<ImpulseSV> They are right

<ImpulseSV> It feels like there's some part of you that no matter how much we try we can never reach

<ImpulseSV> And all your reasoning is stuck in that little bit of your brain

<Xisuma> I feel like I'm getting close to figuring out why this stuff is happening

<Zedaph> I'll keep getting them so you can get closer

<Xisuma> That's not helping


Zedaph has made the advancement [Best Worst Equipment]

ImpulseSV has made the advancement [Best Worst Equipment]

<Tango> Impulse you traitor

<ImpulseSV> I had forgotten that I was helping Zed with that

<Zedaph> And soon you will get your trophy

<ImpulseSV> I didn't really care for the trophy but yay

<Xisuma> Please try and stick to the ones that only involve you

<Xisuma> The more people who get them the more scared I get that something will go wrong

<Zedaph> Nothing will go wrong

<Zedaph> If something does start to go wrong I'm sure you'll see it

<Zedaph> And then you'll know where to find it

<Tango> I'm still confused as to how you can't find it

<Tango> It has to be there somewhere

<Xisuma> I'm confused as well

<ImpulseSV> If it's player based surely it'd be with the texture packs and stuff right?

<Xisuma> I've checked there like 10 times

<Xisuma> And player specific texture packs don't affect other people like these achievements are

<Zedaph> Are you sure these are as dangerous as you think they are

<Zedaph> Nothing bad has happened and people are having a great time with them

<Zedaph> Maybe you're just overreacting?

<Xisuma> I want to think that

<Xisuma> But I can't stop thinking about it

<ImpulseSV> Maybe just take a break

<ImpulseSV> It'll help you be more clear headed when you get back into it

<Xisuma> Maybe

<Xisuma> Let's just hope this isn't dangerous


Zedaph has made the advancement [Pumpkèmon Collection]

<Tango> Didn't need any help with that one?

<Zedaph> Nope

<Zedaph> You can help another time

<Tango> I just want a zedvancement

<ImpulseSV> We all do

<Tango> You have one now, you can't say anything

<Xisuma> Alright, that's it

<Xisuma> I didn't want to be invasive but it might be our only option to make sure Hermitcraft doesn't get bugged out

<Xisuma> Zedaph

<Xisuma> What is the locked code about

<ImpulseSV> Locked code?

<Xisuma> There's a part of his code that no matter what I do does not let me access it

<Zedaph> Oh that?

<Zedaph> Can't believe it took you 4 season to ask about it

<Zedaph> I'm not even sure what it is yet entirely

<Zedaph> But I've been told it's my species code

<Tango> You're not human?

<Tango> But you look so human

<Zedaph> So do you but I still accept you're netherborn

<Tango> Humans don't have pure red eyes

<Zedaph> Humans don't make advancements show up just by thinking about them

<Tango> That's not part of you're appearance, it doesn't count

<Xisuma> Everyone is alot more calm about this information than they should be

<ImpulseSV> It's not that surprising

<ImpulseSV> If any of the 'human' members ended up being not human Zed made the most sense

<ImpulseSV> What are you if you aren't human then?

<Zedaph> I don't know

<Zedaph> No matter if it's multiplayer or singleplayer I've never seen anyone be able to access it

<Zedaph> Not even me

<Tango> Is there nothing you can do to access it?

<Zedaph> No, even asked Xisuma to change my species at one point but it did nothing

<Xisuma> You could tell it was a lie?

<Zedaph> Yes, of course I could

<Zedaph> You told me I couldn't change my code to a passive mob but then immediately changed Grian to be half bird

<ImpulseSV> Was it a sheep?

<Zedaph> It was a sheep

<Xisuma> So all we can do is wait for something to happen with Zeds code before we can fix anything

<Zedaph> We've gotten this far, I don't think it will get that bad

<Xisuma> Just don't mess with the server too badly

<Xisuma> If you can do this who knows what else you can do

<Zedaph> I'll try my best

<Tango> Wait, does this make Zed some sort of God?

<ImpulseSV> I think it does

<ImpulseSV> Our very own God, part of Team ZIT

<Zedaph> This is why my letter is first

<Zedaph> I have the power

<Tango> Sure, whatever you say

<Zedaph> Just wait until I figure out more of my God powers and then I'll change the real reason to that in everyone's head

<Xisuma> What did I just tell you

<Zedaph> Sorry


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